Category: Uncategorized

  • R&DaaS

    Reasearch & Development(“R&D”) as a Service

    Initial research


    Tax fees$1M
    R&D deductions at 24%$240k

    Four broad categories define research and development work, also known as qualified research activities (QRAs). They include:

    • Permitted purpose – Work done to develop new or improved products or processes
    • Technological uncertainty – Work done to find a new solution or method that’s previously been unsolvable with publicly available information or knowledge
    • Process of experimentation – Work done in a systematic process to evaluate one or more alternatives
    • Technological in nature – Work done in physical sciences, biology, engineering, or computer science

    The expenses that contribute to one or more of these categories, which are known as qualified research expenses (QREs), and count toward the tax credits include:

    • Patents
    • R&D supplies
    • Salaries for US employees
    • Salaries for US subcontractors
    • Hosting costs (rentals for off-premise computers and other tech)

    Logistics, All inclusive

    Logistics, all inclusive

    Logistics, all inclusive

    Logistics, all inclusive

    Logistics, all inclusive
    Logistics, all inclusive

    Logistics, all inclusive

  • Gaining Momentum Through Health


    • Tim Ferris, Andrew Hoffman
    • DOAC
    • ETA


    • Protein
    • Electrolites
    • Beet concentrate


    • Family
    • Weightlifting
    • Running
    • Work
    • Mindfulness

  • 2X-ing a MEDIUM business in 9 months

    2X-ing a MEDIUM business in 9 months

    Notes: photos have been edited due to trademarks.




    Effective communication


    Key points:

    • Freedom
    • Learning opportunity
    • Equity
    • Impact opportunity
    • Compensation