Father of 2 magical beings and 4 hairy buddies.
Lucky husband. Based in AZ&CDMX.
I’m a process and results-driven person who enjoys challenges and problem-solve every-day situations.
I’m passionate about the power of technology and its adequate application to improve our lives.
Currently working my path on Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition.
Reasearch & Development(“R&D”) as a Service Initial research Tax fees $1M R&D deductions at 24% $240k Four broad categories define research and development work, also known as qualified research activities (QRAs). They include: The expenses that contribute to one or more of these categories, which are known as qualified research expenses (QREs), and count toward…
Podcasts: Supplements: Activities:
Notes: photos have been edited due to trademarks. Recon Systems Documentation Effective communication Negotiation Key points: